Monday, March 26, 2012

Market Glory: A Brief Description

Market Glory is a Real Economy Simulation Game Environment.

That's a long descriptor phrase to cover the following:
  • it's a simulator (economic)
  • it's a game
  • it's a real economy
  • (it deals with virtual and real economy)
  • I'm calling it an environment because when virtual and reality mix it's not JUST a game anymore

At the Market Glory website, Market Glory is described simply as: "an economical, political, social and military simulator where you can convert your virtual currency into real money."

I prefer "environment" because I think the part about "virtual currency into real money" is a draw for cheaters and join-withdraw-and-runners.

I doubt people will actually be able to join, withdraw and run with the money because the game (environment!!!) is very challenging and it requires a great deal of thinking, patience, and strategy to do well in the Market Glory environment.


  1. the game is nice and the money also, once you get the hang of it

  2. Link to the game:

  3. Best ref link
